World at War
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World at War
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World at War Issue 77 Winter War
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
Winter War is a two player operational level wargame covering the Soviet invasion of Finland over the Winter of 1939-40. The Soviets initially expected a quick victory. However, the Finns, under the leadership of Carl Gustav Mannerheim, resisted and outmaneuvered the more ponderous Red Army forces. ...... More
Released 09 November 2021
World at War Issue 78 Drive on Suez (T.O.S.)
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
Drive on Suez: Rommel Drives Deep, 1942 is a solitaire game where the player takes command of the German-Italian Panzer Armee Afrika (PAA) during the 1942 campaign in Egypt as Rommel drives on the Suez Canal. The game system plays the Allied Middle East Command (MEC). The game begins immediately fol...... More
Released 09 November 2021
World at War Issue 79 Rising Sun of China
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
Rising Sun Over China: Japan vs China 1931 – 1937 is an operational-strategic level two player wargame covering the campaigns in northern China, 1931 to 1937. These campaigns revolved around the regions of Manchukuo (Manchuria) and Menjiang (Inner Mongolia), and culminated in the Japanese invasion o...... More
Released 09 November 2021
World at War Issue 80 Hannut: France 1940 (T.O.S.)
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II
Hannut: France 1940 is a two player operational level simulation of the battle fought during the Battle of Belgium that took place between 12 and 14 May 1940 at Hannut in Belgium. The primary purpose of the Germans was to tie down the strongest elements of the French 1st Army and keep it away from...... More
Released 23 November 2021
World at War Issue 81 Balkans, 1944
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
Balkans 1944. In late Summer 1944, the Soviets were poised to invade the Balkans after having inflicted a crushing blow to the Wehrmacht at Belarus. On 20 August, after a period of relative calm on the front, the Soviets opened up their offensive between the Black Sea and the Carpathians. Despite ...... More
Released 26 April 2022
World at War Issue 86 The Chaco War, 1932-1935
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
The Chaco War, 1932-1935. The Chaco War was fought out by two landlocked countries, Bolivia and Paraguay in South America. On paper, the Bolivians should win handily: they enjoyed a three to one superiority in manpower against the Paraguayans. However, to reach the front the Bolivians had to overc...... More
Released 29 November 2022
World at War Issue 90 Great European War (T.O.S.)
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II.
The Great European War: US Grand Strategy In retrospect, the Allied victory in World War II can seem inevitable. Yet it was not preordained. During the first two years of the European war, the Axis appeared to be on the road to victory. To understand the turnaround, the grand strategy of the US need...... More
Released 01 August 2023
World at War Issue 91 Stalins First Victory and Battle of Taierzhuang (T.O.S.)
World at War Covers the Strategy and Tactics of anything and everything World War II
W91 Stalin’s First Victory (1929) & The Battle of Taierzhuang (1938) This game includes two separate and distinct battles. Both battles use many of the same rules and concepts, however for ease of play, the rules are separated into two distinct rule sets. The first set of rules cover Stalin’s First ...... More
Released 21 November 2023

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